Group Support
Communities are supported through age appropriate groups that navigate a 12-week wellness programme that explores attendees understanding of self, theirs and others wellness, early warning signs, wellness tools and strategies, identifying and managing triggers, daily planning and crisis planning.
Funding is being sought currently to fund our groupwork. Groups that will be available dependant on funding are,
- Family Group – parents/carers with children up to age of 7yrs old.
- Junior Group – 8+ yrs old
- Teens Group – 13+ yrs old
- Transition Group – 17 – 25yrs old
Groups can be delivered both face to face and virtually using Zoom. Shine Bright accepts up to 15 individuals in a group. Refer to Projects below to explore the groups currently running or visit Shine Bright CIC – Transforming Wellbeing Together – Home | Facebook.
Click here to download our WRAP leaflet.
The group support delivered at any one time responds to the referrals received into the service and the needs expressed by the communities.
Bespoke wellness peer support groups for organisations can be delivered. Do enquire about the group support that we are currently able to facilitate.
Ongoing recurring PSG’s – peer support groups develop from the 12-week programme which help our communities maintain their wellness for longer. This accessible resource also provides a bank of potential experienced members to become our volunteer peer facilitators for the expansion and roll out of future groups reaching wider communities.
Individual Support
Individuals can receive support either face to face or virtually for their wellness. Individuals will receive therapeutic wellbeing support for their varied needs in confidential weekly sessions and will have the opportunity to develop their own wellness WRAP plan and crisis plans. A WRAP plan helps individuals to understand how to,
- Feel better
- Take control of their life
- Understand and manage their feelings
- Develop coping mechanisms that can help them through tough and challenging times and.
- Plan and achieve their goals
Parenting and Family Support
Shine Bright supports parents and carers individually and in unison with their child to improve communication and restore communication, mend relationships and improve wellness. Shine Bright involves parents and carers in a way where they understand the journey their child is being taken along. Parents can even learn from their child, understand WRAP and create their own wellness plan, benefiting the whole family.
Teens WRAP Group #1
Posted: 3rd June 2021
A weekly young people’s emotional wellbeing group started on the 10th November 2021 for young people aged 13-18yrs old. 15 young people recruited and currently completing their WRAP plans. If… Read more
Some Testimonials
“My daughter has benefited one hundred-fold in terms of social confidence and ways to manage her levels anxiety. We are hugely grateful and indebted to the wonderful WRAP leaders who have provided this invaluable service without which we would be continuing to struggle. We now have hope for the future not just for my daughter but for us as a whole family.” Parent
“I have made new friends, had fun but also improved my low moods and made me feel like I’m actually worth something!” Young Person
“My son feels he has made the first real friendships of his life in this group. It has allowed him to open up and talk without fear of being ridiculed and helped him to see that he is not alone. He was in a very dark place, he felt he was the only person struggling with friendships and that the problems he was facing were all his fault. Shine Bright has given him a fantastic support network, helped build his resilience and teach him coping strategies going forward. It is the highlight of his week; he goes in very happy and always comes out full of chattier” Parent
“Words are not enough to describe how a transgender teenager found such an inclusive and supportive group. Their emotional health has improved a lot and keeps improving. Hopefully this group will not have to stop. The leader is very experienced and supportive. Parent
“It’s a good way to see that you’re not the only one feeling the way you do. It shows how everyone has very similar feelings and it’s okay to share them with each other” Young Person